Monday, 17 September 2012

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Introduction to the Project (Brief description of the project, assignment question can be copied here)

Chapter 2 – Description and Justification of Code (Need to include the class diagram here and reasons need to be provided why the classes are required, the data member and member functions)

Chapter 3 – Description and Justification for the Object Oriented Concepts (In this section various object oriented concepts need to be explained and you need to paste your code in the respective headings where that particular concept is being used.)
            Concepts that need to explained are –
1.       Classes
2.       Objects
3.       Inheritance
4.       Data Hiding
5.       Polymorphism
6.       Encapsulation
7.       Abstraction

Make sure you include all the concepts mentioned above as all the concepts carries marks. (Instruction – provide a line or two about the concept, then how you have used that particular concept and the code)

Chapter 4 – Test Plan (In this section, the application need to be tested and the result has to be documented. Can include different types of testing but if running out of time use EXPECTED INPUT/OUTPUT and the RESULT testing)
Format for the EXPECTED INPUT/OUTPUT testing is –
Expected Input
Expected Output
Actual Result


Chapter 5 – Validation Code (In this section, the code need to be provided along with the details that what actually this validation code is doing)

Instruction – Just provide the heading, a line or two about what the code is doing and the paste the code.

Chapter 6 – Description and Justification for the Bill Generation (In this section, details about the code to calculate difference between the dates need to be provided and description related to code is required)

Chapter 7 – References (As per the Harvard Referencing Rules)

            Instruction – Neil’s toolbox can be a good option if running out of time. Go to Google, type Neil’s toolbox for Harvard Referencing.

            Caution – The references generated are not 100% accurate. So, you must learn how to do referencing.

Extra things that can be included in your documentation is the SCREEHSHOTS, you can create a chapter or can add the screenshots at the back in APPENDIX.


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